


Noun., [‘e-sən(t)s

The most significant element, quality, or aspect of a thing or person

My Approach

I listen beneath the listening to see what is coming through you. What future your business, brand or idea wants to express. I use a mix of spiritual tools and strategic frameworks to see the path forward. Our minds alone cannot find solutions for the future we cannot imagine.

  • You have questions about the future of your business, brand or emerging idea. You’re at a crossroads, a transition professionally and the path forward feels clouded. I can see beyond the chaos and offer clarity.

  • You feel bogged down in the detail and are overloaded with information. I support you in simplifying and seeing the big picture.

  • There is something you want to create or have already unleashed into the world. However, the next steps to grow it while maintaining the idea’s integrity are unclear. I listen and create a strategic plan for the future.

  • Our physical environments are a hologram for the whole earth. So the way it’s designed matters. Homes, offices, experiences, etc.

We are living crowded. Overwhelmed by information, confused by the number of choices and burdened by the story of more. Make more, have more, learn more, be more. 

I invite you to offload everything swirling in your mind and let me guide you to Essence. 


I’ve been a strategist for over 15 years. I’ve built three successful companies. I’ve raised over $10M in funding. I’ve worked with hundreds of founders, companies and Fortune 500 teams all over the world. I’ve spoken on stages about innovation and community. I’ve even been in the New York Times.

I’m also a channel for good, here to help you make sense. My experience as a strategist and founder paired with my intuitive gifts makes me very good at connecting the spiritual and material worlds. The integration of our cosmic calling and our earthly desires is where essence emerges. I believe in “and both.” Creating something beautiful and generating revenue. Artful business is possible.

Ping me anytime

I want to be of service to your clarity. To the discovery of possibility. To find the frequency that creates flow. To listen for the part of your souls story that tells the truth. To see your purpose in creating a more abundant future.

Like the strike of a match, we energize your enthusiasm for life’s mystery. 

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